Liberia: Election funds cut as opposition questions legality of voter registration


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Oct 01, 2023

Liberia: Election funds cut as opposition questions legality of voter registration

behind schedule By Darlington Porkpa Posted on March 22, 2023 12:37 For the first time, the country is moving from optical manual registration (OMR) to Biometric Voter registration (BVR) to fight

behind schedule

By Darlington Porkpa

Posted on March 22, 2023 12:37

For the first time, the country is moving from optical manual registration (OMR) to Biometric Voter registration (BVR) to fight against double registrants or duplication which has marred previous elections.

According to Commission Chairperson Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, BVR projected a cost of $91m to run the election and bring in the BVR system, but the finance ministry unrealistically reduced the budget.

“It was reduced somewhere around $83m in terms of discussions and negotiation with the finance ministry. It was further reduced to $73m, it came down to $61m…so the allotment to the commission now is $33m for elections,” she said.

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Darlington Porkpa