Isle of Wight council discusses new cross


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Aug 03, 2023

Isle of Wight council discusses new cross

Multi-million-pound plans for a new cross-Solent power cable to accelerate key low carbon projects and help deliver net zero was discussed when the government’s energy chief visited the Isle of Wight

Multi-million-pound plans for a new cross-Solent power cable to accelerate key low carbon projects and help deliver net zero was discussed when the government’s energy chief visited the Isle of Wight recently.

Jonathan Brearley, chief executive of Ofgem, met with senior officials from the Isle of Wight Council and network operator SSEN following an invite by council leader, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, at last year’s Islands Forum in Orkney.

She was keen for the head of the UK’s energy watchdog to find out more about energy cable capacity issues which threaten to hamper efforts to grow the Island’s renewable energy production — and possible solutions being developed by SSEN in close coordination with the council and local bodies.

Major investment by SSENThis could include major investment by SSEN in a new energy cable between the Island and mainland to boost capacity for renewable energy and storage projects and for the expected new demands from electric vehicles and heat pumps.

Mr Brearley outlined the work that would need to be done before the grid investment could be approved and recognised the grid constraints experienced by the Island would also be felt by many other areas as the energy system is transformed.

Brearley: An excellent test bedHowever, he added the Island would make an excellent test bed for some of the proposed solutions.

In a letter of thanks to the council following his visit, Mr Brearley said,

“I hugely enjoyed my trip to the Isle of Wight, and it was great to hear about your proposals to meet the Island’s net zero target.

“I agree that the Island is a really exciting opportunity to pilot projects as we look for innovative solutions to the UK’s energy transition.

“I am very supportive of the ongoing work to examine these projects more closely.”

Tour of the IslandAs part of a tour organised by SSEN, Mr Brearley visited Homestead Solar Farm, owned by Wight Community Energy, Cowes Power Station, owned by RWE, and a major substation owned and operated by SSEN.

The council has a vision for the Island of being a centre of excellence for renewable energy.

Peacey-Wilcox: Serious about achieving the ambitious net zero targetsCouncillor Peacey-Wilcox said,

“We are serious about achieving the ambitious net zero targets outlined in our Mission Zero Climate and Environment Strategy and to sustaining the Biosphere.

“Significant network investment will be required to achieve this and it was good to hear that SSEN is keen to make that investment to support the Island. I think Mr Brearley took away the fact that there is a strong pipeline of local projects and a community keen to be involved in the transformation.

“I wish to thank him for taking the time to visit the Island.”

Erwin: A key step in helping to meet the net zero vision Patrick Erwin, commercial director, SSEN Distribution, said,

“We have a shared vison of the electricity network accelerating local net zero ambitions and driving the local economy and prosperity.

“This visit was a fantastic opportunity to share our plans for strategic network investment on the Island, which are the result of close co-ordination with both Isle of Wight Council and community representatives.

“Investment in the network on the Island will be a key step in helping to meet the net zero vision for the Isle of Wight. Following the positive response from Ofgem, we look forward to further co-development of these plans and securing the regulatory approval to proceed.”

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Major investment by SSENBrearley: An excellent test bedTour of the IslandPeacey-Wilcox: Serious about achieving the ambitious net zero targetsErwin: A key step in helping to meet the net zero vision